Menorah be the one

Menorah be the one
Menorah be the one.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Plein Air Painter Ethan Jack Harrington

Ethan Jack Harrington Golden Gate Bridge SanFrancisco California
Plein-air painting, is the new catchphrase in the world of West Coast art. There are many astonishing Plein air painters around, some of whom Creative Juicings will feature in future posts, but one of our favorite artists, is the highly original Ethan Jack Harrington.

Ethan hails from SanFrancisco and Juicings particularly enjoys his twisted, somewhat psychedelic take on the world around him. In addition to this Ethan has a particularly unique and well developed sense of color, distilling the natural world in to a vibrant and acidic vision, that is both compelling and highly original.

His signature Plein-air views of America and in particular the American West are his strongest and most engaging work, but Juicings invites readers to check out his site  and discover this truly original talent for themselves.

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